Current Topic: Conditional or 'nonlinear' program flow is essential to programming. The C programming language provides a more than suitable set including loop primitives.
Conditional Processing In C Is More Intuitive Then In Assembly Language...
All processors have instructions to branch (jump) based on whether a bit is set, cleared and/or combinations thereof from an internal 'condition code register' set (or cleared) as a result of every instruction executed. 'Branch on Equal', 'Branch on Not-Equal' (minus, less) etc... Without this ability no real useful code could ever be implemented.
The C programming language abstracts this through the 'if' and 'else' statements. wrapped by a parenthesis pair '()' representing an arithmetic expression that resolves (satisfies the compiler) to a binary 'true' or 'false' condition. If the condition is satisfied certain code should be executed. If not, optionally, other code may be executed instead.
Blah, blah!