Antique electronics

Surplus antiques. Vintage things that just won't go away.

Ok. I'll admit. This stuff has no real value other then historical. To some it may bring memories to others novelties. Hopefully some of it may find a home not a junkyard.

Smegware equipment collection.

This one's my alltime favorite. A fullblown vintage Teletype (TTY). With dialer, terminal, data-entry/record (paper-tape R/W) and printer. Who could ask for more.

Smegware equipment collection.

Following closely on the favorites list is a General Automation computer from JPL off the NASA Viking project. The CPU in this beauty is a collective of hundreds of TTL chips. Additionally the memory is actual 'core' (little toroidal cores carefully strung with fine magnet wire). This is 'Small Scale Integration' at it's finist.

Smegware equipment collection. Smegware equipment collection.

Smegware equipment collection. Smegware equipment collection.

And of course a few plotters for when you just have to hardcopy something.

Smegware equipment collection.

Or chart something.

Smegware equipment collection.

There are also several audio devices. A few radio tuners, preamplifiers, amplifiers, filters, attenuators... All old. All untested. All probably junk. Maybe there is some art value.

Smegware equipment collection.

When I saw this one I thought it was a geiger counter. But I didn't remember ever acquiring one. And I didn't. It says 'Photo-Ionizer' what ever that is. It's also in much better shape then it looks. As are most things here. It is very dusty. Twenty years of dusty.

Smegware equipment collection. Smegware equipment collection.

There are more then half a dozen terminals including a pair of very cute, rack mount, miniterminals. All of these are at least VT-52 some VT-100 compatable.

Smegware equipment collection. Smegware equipment collection.

Smegware equipment collection.

Finally. Some old spectral analysis equipment.

Smegware equipment collection. Smegware equipment collection.

And lastly what lab would be complete without it's huge collection of prehistoric (from today's prespective) junk. What do you do with this stuf.