
Technical seminar and conference proceedings. See how real scientific and engeneering discoveries are presented to the technical community. I would have used the word innovations instead of discoveries however Microsoft has single-handedly re-categorized that word to imply unoriginal and untrustworthy.

PartNo Date Product Title
5701650889 1973 Primer Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - A Setlab Primer
6124888 1963 MIL-E-CON National Convention on Military Electronics conference proceedings
80CH1490-2-SSC 1980 IEEE 1980 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Proceedings
ADACDS001 1982 AD Analog Devices Analog Circuit Design Seminar
DUPLICATE-RECHECK 1989 NSC National Semiconductor Linear Applications Seminar
GAILMCBM001 1984 Gail Motion Control by Microprocessors
HPSSMAS001 1981 HP Hewlett Packard Servo System Measurement and Analysis Seminar
IEECPNO48 1968 IEE Tropospheric Wave Propagation conference proceedings
Wt3483K14 1961 Conference Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Conference on Science and Industry - The Problem of Communication proceedings

Found 9 reference items and still cataloging so look again soon