
Electronic engineering reference books both theoritical and practical as well as many on computer science.

PartNo Date Product Title
0070355703 1988 Technical Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
0130231142 2000 Windows Understanding & Programming COM+
013201856X 1986 Technical Designing Digital Filters
013212887X 1990 Technical Digital Signal Processing in VLSI
0135327482 1998 Programming Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented design
0136049591 1984 Technical Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing
0139141014 1975 Technical Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing
0139427066 1982 Technical VLSI Systems Design for Digital Signal Processing
020163371X 1996 Programming More Effective C++
0201924889 1998 Programming Effective C++ Second Edition
0471115681 1995 Windows Photographic Imaging Techniques in C++ for Windows and Windows NT
0471718068 1976 Technical Theory of Electrical Filters
0486203808 1963 Technical Basic Theory & Application of Transistors - U.S. Dept of the Army
0672208296 1971 Technical Tube Substitution HANDBOOK
0672208997 1972 Technical Transistor Substitution HANDBOOK
0672210819 1974 Technical how to use INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LOGIC ELEMENTS
0672224992 1993 Technical Video Scrambling & Descrambling for satellite & Cable TV
070997039 1976 Technical Basics of Data Communications
0750617500 1993 VME VME Bus A Practical Companion
0830615857 1972 Technical Digital Electronics Principles & Practice
0830626468 1973 Technical Acoustic Techniques for Home & Studio
0880220481 1984 Programming C Programmer's Library
0895884488 1988 Windows Graphics Programming Under Windows
1556152647 1990 Windows Programming Windows The Microsoft Guide to writing applications for Windows 3 second edition
1556153082 1990 Windows Microsoft Windows Guide to Programming
1562056506 1988 Windows Inside ISAPI
1565922840 1997 Programming UNIX Programming - Learning PERL 2nd edition
1566045339 1997 Windows the Comprehensive Guide to Visual J++ - The Ultimate Reference for Java: Visual J++ & ActiveX
1572313498 1997 Windows Inside COM Microsoft's Component Object Module
1878739158 1992 Windows Windows API Bible The Definitive Programmer's Reference
1883577845 1996 Windows Game SDK Developer's Guide
7006MOREVD 1970 Manual Digital Scientific Meta 4 series 16 Computer System
A2658814 1968 Manual IBM 1130 Functional Characteristics
A2658814/231 1968 Manual IBM 1130 Functional Characteristics Technical Newsletter N26-0231
A2658814/233 1968 Manual IBM 1130 Functional Characteristics Technical Newsletter N26-0233
A2659176 1968 Manual IBM 1130 System Summary
LC3000-011-02 1970 Manual Computer Signal Processors Inc CompuSignal Processor 30 Programmer's Reference Manual
MSJUNK001 1990 Manual Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference - New for Version 3
MSJUNK002 1993 Manual Microsoft Windows For Workgroups User's Guide
MSJUNK003 1994 Manual MS-DOS 6.22 User's Guide
MSJUNK004 1995 Manual Visual C++ Microsoft Foundation Class Library volume 3 of 3
PNO7601 1975 Manual Digital Scientific Corp Meta 4 Timesharing System Summary Manual

Found 42 reference items and still cataloging so look again soon